Why many times cancer comes back after being cured, know the reasons for this

Why many times cancer comes back after being cured, know the reasons for this

When someone has cancer, doctors treat him. Many times it seems that the cancer has been completely cured by treatment. The patient and his family are very happy. But sometimes it also happens that after some time the cancer comes back again. This is very disappointing. Then the question arises that why does cancer return even after treatment? Actually, some cancer cells survive the treatment and then they start growing slowly. Or sometimes new cancer cells are formed in the body. Cancer is a disease which can show its side effects not only once but many times.  

  • The first reason is residual cells. Despite treatment, some cancer cells survive in the body and can become active later. These cells are so small that they are difficult to detect, and they can grow slowly, which can lead to cancer recurrence.
  • Second, the role of the immune system is also important. Many times, the body’s immune system becomes weak, due to which the remaining cancer cells become active.
  • The third reason is lifestyle related reasons. Habits like smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and unhealthy diet can affect cancer recurrence.
  • The fourth reason is hormonal changes. Some types of cancer, such as breast cancer, are influenced by hormones, and changes in these hormones can increase cancer risk.
  • Finally, genetic factors may also play a role in cancer recurrence. Can. Some people are more likely to get cancer again due to genetic predisposition. 

Important information
When someone is cured of cancer, there is great happiness. But this does not mean that everything is fine now. Many times it seems that cancer has completely disappeared but in reality some cancer cells remain in the body. Therefore, it is important that even after recovery, the patient continues to take care of himself. Tests should be done regularly so that if there is any problem then it can be known. Also, healthy eating habits and lifestyle should be adopted. Taking such steps reduces the risk of cancer coming back. So it is important to remain smart even after recovery. 

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